James Cridland does not tend to overstate things or resort to clickbait for his must-read daily podcasting news email – Podnews. So, when he tweeted:
The news in Podnews this Tuesday will change the way you talk about your podcast forever. And no, this isn’t an exaggeration – we really mean it! Learn before anyone else by getting our newsletter. #tease https://t.co/xUeLtoxUEW
— Podnews podcasting news (@Podnews) March 9, 2021
….it definitely resulted in an eyebrow raise.
The news was what could be seen as just a minor change in a podcasting app – but the repercussions are significant.
Apple Podcasts, which is still the core podcast consumption app, is changing the ‘subscribe button’ to a ‘follow button’.
This is the button that signals you want to receive every new episode of a show. It’s also what nearly every podcast in the world uses to encourage their listeners to subscribe to the show.